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How Do Courts Determine the Amount for Bail?

How Do Courts Determine the Amount for Bail?

Are you wondering how the courts make the decision to set the amount of bail for those who have been arrested?  You may hear these numbers and think that the severity of the crime is the only determining factor, but there are many more considerations.  Courts need to weigh different aspects of the entire case before they make an educated decision appropriate for this particular instance.  No case is the exact same, so this may require some time before a decision is made.  ...

Six Questions That Are Frequently Asked about Bail Bonds

Six Questions That Are Frequently Asked about Bail Bonds

Have you recently been arrested and released on bail?  Are you curious how the entire bail bonds process works?  Many people who have been arrested are able to be released on bond, with the contingency that they will behave and attend their required court appearance.  Just because they are released on bond doesn't mean that they fully understand the process of acquiring and settling with bail bonds in Orlando.  The entire process may be foreign to those who have only b...

What to Do When You Are Pulled Over

What to Do When You Are Pulled Over

When you see police lights flashing behind you, you might immediately start to panic.  Even if you've been pulled over before, you might still feel anxious when you see a police car behind you.  Whether you've been speeding, driving recklessly, or simply have a tail light out, you may feel unprepared about being pulled over.  Our bail bonds in Orlando can help you if you end up getting arrested after being pulled over, but this is often an extreme situation.  Howev...

Seven Tips on How to Prepare for Your Court Appearance

Seven Tips on How to Prepare for Your Court Appearance

Have you been recently arrested for committing a crime?  Were you lucky enough to be released on bail?  Many people that are arrested are also able to make bail and be released from jail.  They then agree to abide by behavioral restrictions and appear at their court dates.  By doing these two things, most people are able to get through the process without having to spend any extra time in jail awaiting their court appearance.  Our bail bonds in Orlando can assist many...

Four Ways that a Bail Bondsman Protects Your Information

Four Ways that a Bail Bondsman Protects Your Information

Are you embarrassed because of your arrest?  Do you want to keep the information about your arrest as private as possible?  Are you concerned about how your reputation will change after your arrest?  If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you should know that when you are working with a bail bonds company, they will protect your privacy.  Being arrested doesn't have to be the end of your good reputation.  Securing a bond is needed to help you get ou...

The Process of Securing Bail Bonds in Orlando

The Process of Securing Bail Bonds in Orlando

Does a friend or relative need to be bailed out of jail?  Has a buddy recently been arrested?  Did you receive that dreaded call to help bail your friend out of jail?  This might have you immediately questioning how to start the bail bonds process to help get your friend or family member out of jail in a timely manner.  Typically, many people panic when they hear that someone they know has been arrested.  They don't know where to start when it comes to acquiring b...

Qualities of Successful Bail Bondsmen in Orlando

Qualities of Successful Bail Bondsmen in Orlando

Most likely, if you are in need of a bail bondsman, you aren't able to do extensive research on their qualities and reputation.  However, friends and family that you call can do so.  This is an important step in acquiring the right bail bonds in Orlando when you find yourself in a pinch.  If you have been arrested, don't panic.  Contact a reliable friend or family member to help you get in touch with the right bail bondsman for your case.  Choosing the best ba...

How a Judge Decides Bail

How a Judge Decides Bail

Whenever you are arrested, you will have to go through the process of having an arraignment hearing before you are released.  This hearing is where the judge will determine whether or not you can be released on bail, and exactly what amount your bail will be.  In most cases, people have the opportunity to be released on bail, unless they have done unspeakable crimes.  For the most part, the judge grants bail.  Bail is a considerable amount of money that the court issues in...

Questions that Bail Bondsmen Are Frequently Asked

Questions that Bail Bondsmen Are Frequently Asked

When your friend or family member is arrested, you may hear the phone ring asking for help to bail them out of jail.  Bail bonds in Orlando will give you a call if you are on the list of people that can help out the arrested individual.  Whenever you get this call, you may be asking a lot of different questions to help determine exactly how liable you will be when you help your friend or exactly what a bail bonds company does.  These questions can be easily answered by any expe...

The Most Common Reasons Why People Get Arrested

The Most Common Reasons Why People Get Arrested

Many people are arrested for breaking the law or performing illegal activities every single day.  Those who are stopped by policeman, turned in by their neighbors, or simply stumble into trouble find themselves facing arrest, fines, and even prison time after they commit crimes.  Crimes that are minor will subject individuals to pay hefty fines, but as the crimes rise in severity, so does the punishment.  When people are first arrested, they may need to spend time behind bars u...

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